TL;DR: PhD Candidate, Natural Language Processing, Computational Social Science, Language and Society, Language Variation, Paraphrasing in Dialog

I am a PhD Candidate at the NLP and Society Lab at Utrecht University with Dong Nguyen. I study social phenomena via natural language processing (NLP) methods using (mostly) social media data. Previously, I studied computer science and mathematics at RWTH Aachen University.

drawn Anna research

I am interested in how people talk and how they talk with each other. For example, I studied language variation (e.g., how people say something as opposed to what they say) and online discussions. Questions I am interested in include: Do people talk in a, to them, specific style? How does style or phrasing affect a conversation? Is it possible to facilitate constructive online discussions? …

drawn Anna presents

I presented our paper on Content-Independent Style Representations at RepL4NLP co-located with ACL 2022. See the video here. We put our style embedding model for everyone to use on the huggingface model hub (see also pic below). This is work building on Does It Capture STEL? A Modular, Similarity-based Linguistic Style Evaluation Framework, our 2021 EMNLP paper (video here).

example style representations

Invited Talks: SCALE at Johns Hopkins University (2022); Bocconi University (2021); Complexity Science Hub, Vienna (2020)

My PhD project is funded by EMMA and NWO. This is a collaboration with Dong Nguyen (UU), Kees van Deemter (UU), Tijs van den Broek and Bianca Beersma in the #Bridging Project.

Interested in doing a Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis with me? see: Student Projects